Planting Seeds...

I have fallen into a rut! I always blame it on other people too, because well - that's the easiest thing in the world to do, right? I just get tired of the same old thing from people!!! So my patience seems to go right out the window, and the saddest part is I KNOW IT!

Thankfully, having that 'knowledge' eventually changes from 'ignoring' the problem to 'fixing' the problem. I was reminded of 'seeds'. I thought about the movie 'Seconhand Lions' when the old men buy and plant several different seeds. Each of the pack of seeds has that pretty picture of what you can expect will grow. But eventually their 'garden' grows and instead of many different vegetables, it's just a garden of corn. They tricked them into buying a bunch of corn!

Well, I feel like this applies to us in so many ways! We trick ourselves into thinking we are planting a plentiful garden full of green beans, squash, lettuce, tomatoes, and zucchini. And we can't figure out why all we end up with is a garden full of corn???

What we don't understand is that our 'seeds' are our actions; our influence. The way we act around our family, our friends, or even strangers determines what kind of seeds we are planting. We can either plant seeds of frustration, impatience, fear, anxiety, and negativity - or we can plant seeds of patience, kindness, love, positivity, peace, and joy.

Think about it! Are you in a garden full of corn and you can't understand why? You really thought you planted other vegetables! You can have all the good intentions in the world, but its actions that are the true seeds. You never know who you are influencing! Influence them in a POSITIVE way!!!

Love you all!!!

"You will notice that the variety of bodies is stunning. Just as there are different kinds of seeds, there are different kinds of bodies—humans, animals, birds, fish—each unprecedented in its form. You get a hint at the diversity of resurrection glory by looking at the diversity of bodies not only on earth but in the skies—sun, moon, stars—all these varieties of beauty and brightness. And we're only looking at pre-resurrection "seeds"—who can imagine what the resurrection "plants" will be like!" (1 Corinthians 15:39) (The Message Bible)

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