Trying Too Hard...

I am a 'self-feeder', meaning I enjoy studying and reading and listening to bible material in order to grow throughout the week. Sunday's are just not enough for me - my hunger for more gives me the desire to study when I am able to, as much as I can.

In my study today I was listening to something that really touched my heart. Sometimes we don't do enough in life...sometimes we do too much.....I'm one who tends to do too much! So this really helped me a lot!

I Am Trying Too Hard When...

~I feel tired and spent all of the time rather than filled with peace and contentment.
~I'm pressing in a way that makes other people scratch their heads.
~I'm praying 'how' and 'when' prayers rather than 'what' prayers. (meaning don't tell God how to do it, or when to do it. Simply tell him what it is you need and let him do the rest)
~I'm losing my joy over one thing that God hasn't done, and failing to rejoice in all the things that He has done.

God needs only what we have. God does only what we cannot. God fills only what we offer.

Simple, but yet so true! It has really helped me change my attitude about some things!

Hope you can get something from this as I did.

Love you all! Hope your week is wonderful!!!

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