Inflated or Deflated?

Isn't it just crazy how you can be lying in bed at 1 am and get this spiritual epiphany and get up and have to blog about it? Well,
my mind is going a hundred miles an hour right now.....but I'll try to be quick in my point. I love to be able to envision things and relate them to my spiritual life!

You spirit is like a balloon. Think about it. And I like to think that when I am stretching in my faith and growing with my walk with God, that God is figuratively blowing his breath into my spiritual balloon. So every blessing, every revelation, everything that makes me a stronger, better christian woman each represents a breath that God has blown into my balloon.

So the negative - instead of my balloon inflating, imagine holding the end of the balloon to capture the air inside....but then letting go letting a little air out at a time. This could be - financial, marital, family, job - circumstances that make you feel like the breath has been literally knocked out of you. This could be PEOPLE who do nothing but bring you down and instead of counter-balancing or really over-compensating the negative with God's perfect positive.....we allow the air to be deflated out of our balloon until all that is left spiritually, emotionally, and physically is just a shriveled up piece of latex. You know what I'm talking about - I know you've let the air out of a balloon after you've blown it up!

Think about how you feel in your life today. Do you feel shriveled? Or do you feel like you are so inflated you are about to pop??!? The AWESOME thing about being deflated though, is that because you were already stretched before, it is so much easier to be filled back up again! Just like the second time you blow a balloon up is much easier than the first because you've already stretched out the latex once....

It's never too late to change your attitude, change your choices, and simply be filled! A journey learning to know God, loving God, and having a wonderful relationship with Him - It's an amazing journey that cannot be described! But it can definitely be understood! So I ask, are you inflated or deflated? And more importantly, what do you WANT to be? God IS the breath of life. He IS the breath of life to my spirit! Think about it.....

"God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive—a living soul!" (Genesis 2:7)


Heather said...

Awesome word! Thank you Bethany. It's never too late to allow God to breath life into you.

Bethany said...

Thanks Heather!!! :0)

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